Lincoln Music Therapy Services
Your most experienced contracting music therapist in Lincoln, Nebraska.
Call Now (402) 430-0430
Services offered by Lincoln Music Therapists

Individual Sessions
Individual music therapy sessions offer highly specific and individualized treatment plans. A comprehensive screening and assessment determines initial and ongoing eligibility.
The music therapist works cooperatively with other members of the treatment team to integrate and generalize goals within and outside of music therapy sessions.

Group Sessions
In group music therapy, many of the same interventions are used as in individual therapy but with the added benefit of many opportunities for social interaction.

Group music therapy programming is individualized to the goals of the facility and the care plan of each patient.

Inservices, Consultation, & Instruction
Nicole Jacobs is available not just for direct contact music therapy. You will love hiring her to come provide inservices for your facility, school, office, team meeting, music studio, support group etc.

Consultations are available for music educators who want to know how best to teach individuals with intellectual or physical disabilities.

I am currently developing a new CMTE option for professional music therapists. Please come back soon for the latest updates!
Heartbeat Recording
Our newest service, heartbeat recording, is provided through Heartwaves Clinical Recording Studio.
Please visit our website for this service!